For the first time in nine months, you got sick, but that’s alright! You toughed it out like a champ. Even when your temperature reached up to 39.2°C, you didn’t cry once. You had me worried there, but I pray for you every single day to stay healthy and be safe, and I knew you were strong. I'm so proud of you.
Guess what? You recovered super fast, and to celebrate, we got you your first two pairs of sandals. You liked them so much, and I loved seeing you walk in them for the first time. You were so cute and a bit clumsy. And you should have seen how Forest was watching you walk in your new sandals. I recorded a video of you, and I'll show it to you when you grow up.
Let's take our adventure further and start taking trips and walks outside from now on.
I love you, and I’m so happy to have you in my life.
You are my one and only true happiness.
I want to kiss these little feet ♡